So last year in 2017 I was told by my oncologist at MD Anderson that there was a potential clinical trial that I could take part in that had promising results. This trial dealt with T-cell therapy (t-cells are a type of white blood cell that fight disease. They fail to recognize cancer, which is mostly why our immune systems fail to fight cancer). Basically--it's a T-cell transplant. (They took some of my t-cells back in November of 2017, mutated them, and then will reintroduce them to my system).
This type of treatment has shown positive results in blood cancers (leukemias) and some sarcomas...but in other types of solid tumors they have not tried testing very much yet...I'm one of the first.
I've undergone multiple tests both in Texas and back home in Michigan to make sure I am able to participate and be a part of this. As of right now--it's a go!
I will be admitted to the hospital on Monday (12/17) and I will be there for about 2 weeks.
Tuesday (12/18) I will begin lympho-depletion AKA they will give me certain types of chemo to kill my white blood cells and bring my levels down to neutropenic levels. I will be spending Christmas in the hospital...not able to leave....possibly not even able to leave my room...and having to wear a mask so I don't get sick with some type of major germ that can kill me (Even something as simple as the common cold could kill me)
On Wednesday (12/26) the plan is to infuse my mutated t-cells to my system. There are some scary side effects...but I guess I've decided to take the chance. It's a choice of trying to live longer and finding cures for this cancer...or just continuing with what I'm currently being treated with...
I'm scared. I'm terrified. I'm afraid of the side effects and the potential outcomes that can goes nothing and everything all at the same time.